Hugo Costa Lapa
professional path

I was born on October 23 of 1979 and did my basic and secondary education at Colégio Militar, in Lisbon.
Later, in 1997, I entered the university and received a degree in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon in 2004.
In 2005, and over the next two years, I started a program of observation and monitoring of the Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Implantology consultation at CUF Descobertas Hospital.
My clinical activity began in 2005, also at CUF Descobertas Hospital, where I remain exclusively until the present day.
In 2012 I helped to found the Biomimetic Dentistry Portugal education group, which became a national reference in the field of education and postgraduate training in Dentistry and which today is called BDP Education.
In 2019, with the aim of developing materials and products for use in Dentistry focused on environmental concerns and the sustainability of the planet, I decided to create the Organic Dentistry brand, which today exports all over the world.
Nowadays, I dedicate myself essentially to the areas of rehabilitation and oral implantology, operative dentistry (restorations, caries treatment), fixed prosthesis and aesthetic dentistry.

Curriculum Vitae
- Exclusive practice at Oral Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry Center at CUF Descobertas Hospital.
- Graduated in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon.
- He carried out his postgraduate training in several countries such as the United States of America, Spain, Italy, England, Brazil and Portugal.
- Scientific and educational coordinator of the University Postgraduate Program in Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation at CESPU - University Institute of Health Sciences.
- University Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation at CESPU - University Institute of Health Sciences.
- Speaker at several National and International Congresses and Scientific Meetings in the field of Oral Rehabilitation and Dental Aesthetics.
- Founder of the Biomimetic Dentistry Portugal education group, which develops training activities for Dentists and Dental Technicians.
- Founder of Organic Dentistry, a brand of dental materials and instruments for use in Dentistry, focusing on environmental sustainability, durability, functionality and design.

Continuous Education
2018 - The Restorative Oxymoron in Modern Dentistry, London, UK.
2017 - The New Vertiprep, Vertical Preparations, Milan, Italy.
2013 - Strategies for the use of porcelain aesthetic restorations, Maringá, Brasil.
2013 - Advanced Oral Rehabilitation Course N.Vision, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia, Maringá, Brasil.
2013 - Occlusion in daily Clinical Practice, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 - No Post No Crown Restorative Dentistry - A Biomimetic Approach, London, UK.
2011 - Predictable Aesthetics and Longevity with Bonded Porcelain Restorations, San Francisco, USA.
2010 - Advanced Multidisciplinary Course, San Sebastian, Spain.
2008 - Porcelain Aesthetics "Art of Harmony" - Pink and White, Lisbon, Portugal.
2007 - Porcelain Aesthetic Restorations: Building a Step-by-Step Protocol, Porto, Portugal.
2007 - Update in Advanced Dentistry - General Dentistry, Prosthesis, Occlusion, Aesthetics, Implantology, Albacete, Spain.
2006 - Continuous Training Program in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation - BTi, Porto, Portugal.
2004 - Graduation in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Research and Teaching
2023 - Speaker at the Vertiprep Lisbon Course, Portugal.
2022 - Speaker at the Vertiprep Lisbon Course, Portugal.
2019 - Speaker at the congress "Engineering the Restorative Complex - from Adhesive Procedures to Vertical Preparation", Moscow, Russia.
2019 - Speaker at the congress "Tomorrow Tooth Vertikal - Abutment Engineering", Belgrade, Serbia.
2019 - Speaker at the Vertiprep Lisbon Calling 2019 Course, Portugal.
2018 - Speaker at the 2018 BDP SummerSchool, Avis, Portugal.
2015 - Speaker at the course of the Portuguese Dental Association entitled "Semi-Direct Restorations", Oporto, Portugal.
2015 - Speaker at the course of the Portuguese Dental Association entitled "Deep Margin Elevation", Oporto, Portugal.
2015 - Speaker at the course of the Portuguese Dental Association entitled "Deep Margin Elevation", Lisbon, Portugal.
2014 to present - Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation at CESPU - University Institute of Health Sciences, Oporto, Portugal.
2013 - Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation at ISCS - Egas Moniz University, Lisbon, Portugal.
2013 - Speaker at the 6th Congress of the Portuguese Society of Dental Aesthetics on the theme "Adhesive Restorations in Anterior Dentition", Oporto, Portugal.
2013 - Speaker of the course of the Portuguese Dental Association entitled "Adhesion Vs Retention Auxiliary Means", Faro, Portugal.
2012 to present - Founding Member of Biomimetic Dentistry Portugal, a group of dentists and dental technicians who practice their clinical activity according to the conservative biomimetic philosophy. The group has been providing postgraduate university programs in the field of oral biomimetic rehabilitation since 2013. It also develops diverse training activities as well as interventions in national and international congresses.