Clinical Cases
before and after
The patients featured on this page, and throughout the site, are real patients, and the treatments were carried out by Dr. Hugo Costa Lapa with the collaboration of his team: dental nurses, receptionists, dental technicians and fellow specialists in other areas of dentistry who work with him.
Also, the photographs presented here, of the situation before and after the treatment, were all taken by Dr. Hugo Costa Lapa and were not subject to any professional editing with the aim of masking and/or improving any less good results.

Complex rehabilitation with implants
Patient with old complete dentures over implants underwent new rehabilitation with fixed complete dentures in zirconia and titanium.

Complex rehabilitation with zirconia crowns
A patient with recurring problems in her already heavily treated teeth underwent complete rehabilitation with zirconia crowns.

Complex rehabilitation of function and aesthetics
Patient dissatisfied with the appearance of his teeth and old removable prostheses underwent a complex oral rehabilitation with crowns and bridges.

Replacement of all upper teeth with implants
Patient with irreversible dental problems had a total rehabilitation with implants and crowns.

Complex rehabilitation of function and aesthetics
Patient in need of complex rehabilitation with crowns and implants, after a previous treatment that went wrong.

Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening done at home using individual trays.

Replacement of all upper teeth with a bridge
Patient with advanced dental and periodontal problems underwent total rehabilitation with bridges and implants.

Replacement of all teeth with implants and bridges
Patient with old bridges and crowns that had serious health and appearance problems underwent a complex oral rehabilitation with new bridges and implants.

Feldspathic porcelain crowns
Old crowns made with less suitable materials caused the gums to darken, and were replaced by new crowns in feldspathic ceramic, which, being more translucent, have a natural appearance.

Crowns and veneers complex case
Mixed case of rehabilitation of oral function and aesthetics with veneers, crowns and implants, having significantly improved the patient's appearance.

Complex rehabilitation with crowns and implants
A complex case of oral rehabilitation with bridges and implants.

Porcelain veneers
Treatment of 4 worn maxillary incisors with feldspathic porcelain veneers.

Replacement of all upper teeth with implants
Oral rehabilitation of the upper jaw with the use of dental implants due to irreversibly compromised teeth.

Porcelain veneers
Gums levelling and placement of 4 ceramic veneers on the upper incisors to correct shape, colour (white spots) and to close the gaps between teeth.

Replacement of all upper teeth with implants
Oral rehabilitation of the upper jaw with the use of dental implants due to irreversibly compromised teeth.

Porcelain veneers
Placement of 4 porcelain veneers on the upper incisors to correct shape, colour and close black spaces.

Teeth whitening
Internal bleaching of a root canal treated upper right incisor and external whitening of all teeth.

Porcelain crowns and veneers
Replacement of old bridge on upper incisors using a porcelain veneer and new bridge over teeth.

Amelogenesis imperfecta treatment
Treatment of congenital tooth enamel malformation (amelogenesis imperfecta) with feldspathic ceramic crowns.

Direct composite restorations
Teeth whitening and direct composite resin restorations.

Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening of the upper and lower teeth.

Ceramic crowns
Replacement of darkened old crowns of the upper central incisors with new ceramic crowns.

Composite restoration and teeth whitening
Teeth whitening and composite resin restoration of a fractured central incisor tooth.

Replacement of all upper teeth with implants
Replacement of an upper removable prosthesis with a fixed rehabilitation with implants in the upper jaw.

Treatment of severely worn teeth
Complex treatment of severe tooth wear using ceramic veneers and crowns.

Ceramic crown on central incisor
Replacement of an old, yellowish and uneven ceramic crown of an upper central incisor, by a new feldspathic porcelain one.